Wednesday 21 October 2015

Locations For Filming

 The images that you can see are places in which i would like to use. The bridge is located near Barking Station which is around 40 minutes using the train to the station near our school. The reason for this is that the area is secluded and really scary when it is dark as they're is no lights at all. Beer bottles and rubbish can also be seen lying around which makes this place the perfect place to shoot horror scenes. An example could be a victim running from the killer and the killer can be seen from behind. Below are another set of images in which is taken from a residential area near my brothers home. This could be used to show where our main characters was raised up. Showing the surroundings of where the main character was brought up the audience will instantly be connected to him and possibly sympathies with him.

These two images are the areas where we might use for the opening sequence. Since my brother house is currently under renovation we would like to use at this moment because based on horror movies the house in which the killer lives is not brand new and modern.
The three images below is also another residential area, this is close to the school around 30 minutes using the bus. This area on the other hand would be used for someone who is walking on their own at night as the area is pretty quite especially through the canal.

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