Tuesday 13 October 2015

Trailer Research: Mad Max

The lighting used in the first few shots were very dark and sinister. Action is already put in the audience mind in the first seconds as we see quick shots of the main character trying to flee a horde of people. The dialogue of the trailer in the beginning are one liners which is commonly used to tell a story and show the characters aspects. In addition to the shots their is a montage editing which suggest the type of genre the movie is. The font at the end of the movie is really gritty and shows violence, blood and an adventure.

I have learnt a few tips in which i could use for my own trailer. One is to have a font and title that relates to the plot. Another is to have a section of the trailer show a montage of stock situations. Possibly a killer chasing his victim to a dead end and kills them. Also i could use a voice over of the killer and be selective of the dialogue i use.

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