Wednesday 2 December 2015

Group Planning: Basics of creating a poster

Hayley has looked at different posters and this is a rough sketch on what she would like to create for the poster. I helped her in this task in which we discussed what could be the main image and where the title should be placed and the size of it.

Hayley Harper Basics of Creating a Poster Blog

As we are going to be creating a cross promotional package, I have looked at what to include in a poster or magazine cover. All horror posters include a title, image and indication of release date which we will include in our poster.  This rough sketch of our trailer poster indicates where we will be placing these elements. Having the font in the middle of the poster with large text makes it easy for audiences to read and identify. A large picture of the main character adds a sinister tone the poster overall emphasised by the black clothing which connotates death. We have also added 'coming soon' into the poster to tell audiences that the film has not been released yet.

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