Saturday 24 October 2015

Group Work: Character Profile: Gideon Umunna

Media A2: Character Profile: Gideon Umunna:

This task was given to Gideon, he used Celtx to produce character profiles of the protagonist in our trailer.

Friday 23 October 2015

Group Planning - Character Cain Samuels

Gideon created a character description  sheet of the main character Cain Samuels. Here it is:

Thursday 22 October 2015

Group Blog: Hayley's reason for her title - Silence to Kill

Silence to kill  

"Silence to kill is one title we have discussed collectively. Although we believe this will be effective, one convention of a horror trailer is to relate the title to the backstory of the killer. Cain's (our killer) story is based upon isolation where the only contact he received was religious teachings off his parents. The silence could represent the little contact he had received from society. As a starting point, I believe our group is following the right path into creating a successful film title." Hayley Harper -

Plot & Stock Situations

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Locations For Filming

 The images that you can see are places in which i would like to use. The bridge is located near Barking Station which is around 40 minutes using the train to the station near our school. The reason for this is that the area is secluded and really scary when it is dark as they're is no lights at all. Beer bottles and rubbish can also be seen lying around which makes this place the perfect place to shoot horror scenes. An example could be a victim running from the killer and the killer can be seen from behind. Below are another set of images in which is taken from a residential area near my brothers home. This could be used to show where our main characters was raised up. Showing the surroundings of where the main character was brought up the audience will instantly be connected to him and possibly sympathies with him.

These two images are the areas where we might use for the opening sequence. Since my brother house is currently under renovation we would like to use at this moment because based on horror movies the house in which the killer lives is not brand new and modern.
The three images below is also another residential area, this is close to the school around 30 minutes using the bus. This area on the other hand would be used for someone who is walking on their own at night as the area is pretty quite especially through the canal.

Group Planning: Feedback on synopsis

Our audience feedback for synopsis this is it.
Hayley's Blog: Feedback on synopsis: From A young age Cain was deprived from A normal lifestyle. He grew up in A obsessively religious household where the only attention he rece...

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Photoshop 1

I have decided to challenge myself to turn that happy face upside down by using photoshop by myself.

This is the final image. I did try my best.
First thing that i thought i could do was to make the beach and day looking dull and sadder so i turned down the brightness. I then began selecting the smile and rotated it by 180 . At this point the darker yellow which was on the bottom of the smile was now on top and you can see the contrast. So i used the smudge tool to see if i can reduce the contrast between the brighter yellow and the darker yellow. I did try to use eyedrop to find the right colour and paint over the darker yellow but i ran out of time as i had a lesson to go to.

Monday 19 October 2015

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Trailer Research: Mad Max

The lighting used in the first few shots were very dark and sinister. Action is already put in the audience mind in the first seconds as we see quick shots of the main character trying to flee a horde of people. The dialogue of the trailer in the beginning are one liners which is commonly used to tell a story and show the characters aspects. In addition to the shots their is a montage editing which suggest the type of genre the movie is. The font at the end of the movie is really gritty and shows violence, blood and an adventure.

I have learnt a few tips in which i could use for my own trailer. One is to have a font and title that relates to the plot. Another is to have a section of the trailer show a montage of stock situations. Possibly a killer chasing his victim to a dead end and kills them. Also i could use a voice over of the killer and be selective of the dialogue i use.

Monday 12 October 2015

Trailer Research - The Last Exorcism

Is about a reverend who has done 47 exorcism and visits another patient. This time a devil possesses a young women and the reverend tries to save her.

Who is the killer:
There is no killer however the women who is possessed is shown evil. Majority of her shots have low key lighting. As well as the editing is fast paced.