Wednesday 23 December 2015

Production Shots: Montage Scenes

Editing Phase 3

So after taking advice and feedback from Ms Ogunlabi I began fixing all the things she felt that needed change.

I took onboard the things and here is my progress.



So i felt that the production logo was perfect as it is so i left it.
I took off the voice when the characters in the scene are shouting over Cain and left the voice over.
I changed the texts from what it was copying the voice over and changed them to reviews. That way it wont look like the title. I also changed Cain to Red to make it stand out. I also added a scene at 20seconds as this was what she felt that looks strong.

That was what i was able to do that day.

Editing Process Phase 4

So after the audience feedback i added "grittyness" to the text which show up. I also moved where the text should show.  Also Ms Ogunlabi wanted the text to have some sort of animation and Gideon took the responsibility to create fog in the background for the Title Text. After finishing the trailer i showed Mr Rosen to receive feedback and this is it.


From this feedback i now know that i must focus on creating music to build the anticipation for the trailer.

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Production Shots: The Killer loses the plot

Editing Phase 2

So after finding all the right footages that i was going to use for my trailer i began structuring and putting where each shots should be placed. I also used sound effects from youtube royalty free. And this was the first draft result.

As you can see i have also added in the production logo and where the text i think should be put.

Monday 21 December 2015

Production Shots: Opening Scene and The Killers Background

Group Work - Magazine Cover

These are images of one of our peer member creating a magazine cover for our trailer.

Production Logo 3

After showing my teacher the product she was astonished and even my friend and my group at what i created and as i showed her the tutorial she told me that the production logo cannot look like the original and i agreed with her. So i went back to what i created and thought why not add the colour red like a warner brother logo which i saw early that week. So this was the outcome.

New                                                                         Old

This looked great and i was happy with the result at what i have done but i knew that when i create the credits at the end for me to try to blend the background image to black will be difficult so i created another one just for the credits.

Credit Logo

Production Logo 2

So i began producing the production logo and copying what the person in the video was doing. I downloaded all the images and fonts he was using.

I spent over an hour to an hour and a half recreating what the person done and this was the final product.

My product                                                                 The videos product

So as you can see i did a pretty good job, i did a few to make my product look good adding Team Nasri Productions underneath the TN and overall i am happy with what i produced.

Friday 18 December 2015

Music 3

So for the call part i took a part of what we recorded of hayley screaming for help and I then found a screaming girl on youtube for sound effect as hayley couldn't scream so i took that and eq'd both sounds and included the phone call part previously. This was the result.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Group Work Creating a Film Poster

Hayley's Blog: Creating a film poster

Production Logo Research

So i have been searching tutorials to help me create production logos for our trailer and i have come across 3 potential tutorials.

This is a quick simple tutorial. It simple and easy and looks cool. However this wouldn't look as good as a production logo and would not look professional. So i will not choose this.

As i was looking for other tutorials i came across this tutorial i felt that this tutorial was the one as it looked professional and also because after searching 20minutes and finding gaming logos i just picked this one.

(i couldnt find the exact youtube video however this was similar)

I started of copying what the person said but at this point i pretty much gave up because i couldn't feel the sense of horror as other trailers like Warner bros for example.

So i kept on researching and i came across this video.

Once i saw this tutorial i felt like this was the one and began working on this. The reason why chose this was because of the "grittyness" and how amazing it looks, so automatically i went for this.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Music 2

This is a phone call which i took from youtube.


So i took that few seconds in the beginning looped it and EQ'ed and left the middle range as it created a nice hang up tone.

Monday 14 December 2015

Music 1

This is an audio which i took and i was going to use this in my trailer. In parts of the music there was voices of  a woman and so to take her out i went onto logic and reduced the volume this can be seen in the image below.

Editing Phase 1

I am beginning to look at all the shots we have and starting to put them on the timeline. This way it will be easier for me to structure the whole trailer. This is what i have done for today.

This is the progress i have done.

Monday 7 December 2015

Group Work - Fonts

A2 Media : Film Title Fonts

Production Diary 3

So today i came up with a quick scene which i think would be great for our trailer in which a person walks through the park and is being followed by the killer. Before meeting up with the Gideon and Hayley, i came to Parliament Hill during lunch and found a pathway in which both the left side and right side had bushes and trees as if it was enchanted, i felt that this will be a perfect place to shoot the scene. I went back to my group and collected the camera and we came to the place and filmed for an hour as i wanted to make every scene count. As i went back to check the footages, 3 out of the 10 was definitely going to be used.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Production Diary 2

Next lesson the group decided to film shots in the void. I was not available at the time as i was late however i used the time to edit whilst Hayley, Gideon and our teacher filmed. Whilst i was editing i came across a few issues one of them being that what we filmed for the opening scene in Barking would not look good as the opening sequence and so i have talked to my group to see if they agree which they have and i am thinking of another opening scene that would be as strong as the one we had.

Group Planning: Basics of creating a poster

Hayley has looked at different posters and this is a rough sketch on what she would like to create for the poster. I helped her in this task in which we discussed what could be the main image and where the title should be placed and the size of it.

Hayley Harper Basics of Creating a Poster Blog

As we are going to be creating a cross promotional package, I have looked at what to include in a poster or magazine cover. All horror posters include a title, image and indication of release date which we will include in our poster.  This rough sketch of our trailer poster indicates where we will be placing these elements. Having the font in the middle of the poster with large text makes it easy for audiences to read and identify. A large picture of the main character adds a sinister tone the poster overall emphasised by the black clothing which connotates death. We have also added 'coming soon' into the poster to tell audiences that the film has not been released yet.

Make up for the Killer

These images show you the make up we used to show the killer disfigurement. As many killers in horror slasher movies have some sort of scar or are covered up with a mask we felt that it was only right to do the same with our killer. Sevgi, a member of my group, brought wax and some colour paint to make sure that the scar can be seen when we film.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Production Diary 1


For our opening scene, we travelled to Barking to film at my brothers house. We will be using this as Cain who is the main characters home. We did a range of shots ranging from tracking shots to an establishing shot. We came across a few problems, the major problem of them was the faulty camera we chose. The camera allowed us to film under 10 seconds so trying to have a shot that would start outside the house and going upstairs to a bedroom and show cain being shouted at was impossible. Another problem was that we did not have an X grip therefore all the shots were taken by hand as  it was impossible to film with a tripod moving upstairs. Other than that i tried to get as many shots as possible so that when editing i can use the best shot.