Wednesday 4 November 2015


Our Target Audience Profile

A general prediction of our target audience are:
  • Both genders
  • Aged 15-20
  • Interested in technology and the internet
  • Use facebbok and social media to keep in contact with their friends
  • They like all genres
  • Are in education
  • Have an allowance of around £10-£20
Matthew and Sara

Matthew, 18, and Sara, 17 are best friends. They live in the city. Matthew has 2 older brothers and 1 older sister. Sara has 1 younger brother. In their free time Matthew goes and plays football with his friends and Sara goes to the mall with her friends. Both Sara and Matthew keep in contact via their phones using apps such as whatsapp and instagram. They frequently use snapchat to document their life. Sara currently has the new iPhone 6 whereas Matthew has a iPhone 5s. In each household, Sara has 1 family TV and 1 family computer whilst Matthew has 1 family TV and 5 computers, one of which is broken.

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