Wednesday 25 November 2015

Production Diary 1


For our opening scene, we travelled to Barking to film at my brothers house. We will be using this as Cain who is the main characters home. We did a range of shots ranging from tracking shots to an establishing shot. We came across a few problems, the major problem of them was the faulty camera we chose. The camera allowed us to film under 10 seconds so trying to have a shot that would start outside the house and going upstairs to a bedroom and show cain being shouted at was impossible. Another problem was that we did not have an X grip therefore all the shots were taken by hand as  it was impossible to film with a tripod moving upstairs. Other than that i tried to get as many shots as possible so that when editing i can use the best shot.

Friday 20 November 2015

Group Planning - Icon

We have given a task to Hayley to create a presentation on Icons and how we can interpret it into our own blog. This is the presentation:

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Planning Production - Script Problem + Sketches

These are sections of my work which i have created sketches for. The problem that had with seltx was to get other images other than light, the camera and female and male character.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Group planning - Trailer structure

A2 Media 
Our group has had a discussion about what shots and footage that will be in our trailer and we have followed the trailer structure;

Opening - Starts with the killers backstory --> His parents teaching him not to sin

Build up - In school  at the back of a classroom , in lesson. - Montage of him in school being ignored and unnoticed.

Problem - Carves attention because he never gets any - Popular girl its all the attention and he looks over and is ticking people off a list, who gets the most attention and planning to kill them.

Events - Begins next victim is restricted, with dead classmates around him. As the camera pans closer to the victim, the victim will look up and gasp - it then finishes with the title and credits.

Wednesday 4 November 2015


Our Target Audience Profile

A general prediction of our target audience are:
  • Both genders
  • Aged 15-20
  • Interested in technology and the internet
  • Use facebbok and social media to keep in contact with their friends
  • They like all genres
  • Are in education
  • Have an allowance of around £10-£20
Matthew and Sara

Matthew, 18, and Sara, 17 are best friends. They live in the city. Matthew has 2 older brothers and 1 older sister. Sara has 1 younger brother. In their free time Matthew goes and plays football with his friends and Sara goes to the mall with her friends. Both Sara and Matthew keep in contact via their phones using apps such as whatsapp and instagram. They frequently use snapchat to document their life. Sara currently has the new iPhone 6 whereas Matthew has a iPhone 5s. In each household, Sara has 1 family TV and 1 family computer whilst Matthew has 1 family TV and 5 computers, one of which is broken.

My Target Audience Moodboard

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Group Work: A2 Media : Film Title BrainStorm

A2 Media : Film Title BrainStorm:  I read our film synopsis thouroughly and had a go at brainstorming some Film Title Ideas. From research, I have learnt that most horror film titles are a maximum of four words and they relate to a specific time of year or date. I decide to reinforce the convention of using a maximum of four words and decided against the time titles because our film is not based of around a significant time to the killer also including titles that other memebers of my group came up with.

 These are our idea of film ideas we have brainstorm. As we have many names we decided to create a survey for our target audience to choose which film title they like the best.

Group Blog: A2 Media : Film Title Survey

A2 Media : Film Title Survey: Had a discussion with my group and we were not able to settle on a film title that we all liked so I therefore put all our ideas into a surv...

Here Sevgi created a Survey in which we will give to our target audience for them to choose which film title they prefer. This will help us to choose the film title and will be useful to us when we evaluate.

DSLR: Low Lighting

Shooting in an area which has low lighting is hard. I have looked for a video in which i could receive tips in recording in low lighting.

In order for us to film at night, we have to follow rules to reduce any grain or noise to the images.
Rule 1: Never go over ISO 1600 otherwise we may see grain or noise in the images.

Rule 2: Keep the shutter speed in between 1/30s to 1/50s this is because if we go over we may see some flickering in the images.

Rule 3: The Aperture must be between F/1.2 to F/5.6 this is because this determines the amount of light that hits the lens.

Rule 4: Make sure there is no contrast on the settings otherwise the images will be darker than it should be.

Important Rule: Only shoot when there is enough light available otherwise the image will be black. In addition the lower the aperture, the better quality the image will be.

Group Planning - FILM TITLES

This is a brainstorm of our group on the titles we could use for our film. I opted with My Name is Cain. My reason for this is because it short and direct. As well as it is catchy. The contenders of the film title i believe is My Name is Cain, Silence to Kill and Him.

Monday 2 November 2015

Group Work: Planning Production - Script Events

Planning Production - Script Problem

This was a task shared between my group which was to create a script. We split the trailer into four sections: Opening, Build Up, Problem and Events. I took the problem sections as i felt more comfortable and this is it:

Group Work: Planning Production - Script Build Up

Group Work: Planning Production - Script Opening

Joker Scene

Since we will be using social media as our point in our trailer i would like to use a scene in Batman The Dark Knight. This is a scene where the Joker uses the news in trailers and shows himself torturing a man dressed as batman. I would like to do something similar like this as this creates character development allowing the audience to understand the character a bit more. Personally i want to create a trailer in which we see character development and the transformation to an innocent teenager to a psycho. Having a scene similar to this can achieve this.


ISO is the level of sensitivity of the camera to available light. The lower the ISO number, the less sensitive it is to the light, while the higher the ISO number the more sensitive it is to the light. With the increased sensitivity, the camera sensor can capture images in low-light environments without using flash. However the higher sensitivity comes with a cost - it adds grain or noise to the video or pictures. 

An example is from this:

As we can see on the right we see a lot of noise than the one on the left. Every camera is has a base iso which is the lowest sensor that can produce the highest image quality without adding noise. Typicically we should stick to the base iso to achieve the best images however it is not possible to do when working under low-light environment. 

Depth of Field

Depth of field is the distance that appears to be in focus in front of and behind the point on which the lens is actually focused. The depth of field allows amateur users to create professional footages. It is better to use depth of field to shoot close ups of a person so that the audience does not see what is happening in the background. We must avoid using depth of field when filming a large crowd as nothing will be in focused and wouldn't be sharp. There are two types of shots. Aperture F/1.4 which is a shallow depth of field, so it blurs the background and Aperture F/8 focuses on everything. I think Aperture F/1.4 is much better in quality and looks really professional than F/8.

There may be scenes where we may use these shot for example a close up of Gideon escaping. I will be using the DSLR to learn how to do a shot like F/1.4 and teaching my group on how to use it.

Enigma and our killer

Enigma is a question that is not immediately answered and creates interest for the audience - a puzzle that the audience has to solve. It is very popular within the horror genre. Scream is a very good example as the mask is what hides the killers identity. The audience question who is hiding behind the mask, why are they killing innocent people and why attack Sydney. Saw is another example where the attacker is also hiding behind a mask.

As for our killer he will be wearing a make up. It could have a meaning about his past just like Joker in the Batman Dark Knight Rises. We could use have pictures of the Joker in Batman (1989) around his bedroom to show to the audience that he is inspired by the character. Just like John Kramer before he became Jigsaw.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Serial Killer - How Do Serial Killers Escape Capture?

Male Gaze Theory

Male Gaze Theory is a concept from a feminist critic Laura Mulvey. It refers to the way visual arts are structured around a masculine viewer. In simple terms she believes that the audience view characters through the perspective of a heterosexual masculine male. Examples of this include camera shots of a woman curves or portraying females as objects.

I understand the Male Gaze Theory and the effect it has and in some horror movies such as Scream and Texas Chainsaw Massacre the theory can be seen. Personally will our trailer include any Male Gaze Theory, i doubt that but i will try to discuss with my group to see if we can challenge the theory.