Wednesday 30 September 2015

Poster Analysis - The Hallow

The use of low-key lighting in the film poster emphasises different shadowing in the background which links back to the fear of the unknown. The low-key lighting also emphasises the distress on the female characters face and sets a mood for the film. The characters facial expression connote fear - she is seen looking up, not at the camera. This shows she is scared of something and rules her out to not be the antagonist. The writing is hard to be seen as it is so small - this could be to not draw attention away from the image as the image itself tells a story of its own. The background frame looks like a forest which could relate back to the narrative of the story. The forest could initially be the place the female character is 'trespassing' (relating back to the writing in the frame). The mother and the baby look dirty - this connotes they have been through a lot to get to the place they are in, in the frame. The two characters looking dirty could emphasise the struggle/journey to where they are. As they look dirty and muddy this emphasises that the forest is the place where the main action takes place.